
Ready to write your first API client with Uplink? This guide will walk you through what you’ll need to know to get started.

First, make sure you’ve installed (or updated) Uplink:

$ pip install -U uplink

Defining an API Client

Writing a structured API client with Uplink is very simple.

To start, create a subclass of Consumer. For example, here’s the beginning of our GitHub client (we’ll add some methods to this class soon):

from uplink import Consumer

class GitHub(Consumer):

When creating an instance of this consumer, we can use the base_url constructor argument to identify the target service. In our case, it’s GitHub’s public API:

github = GitHub(base_url="https://api.github.com/")


base_url is especially useful for creating clients that target separate services with similar APIs; for example, we could use this GitHub consumer to also create clients for any GitHub Enterprise instance for projects hosted outside of the public GitHub.com service. Another example is creating separate clients for a company’s production and staging environments, which are typically hosted on separate domains but expose the same API.

So far, this class looks like any other Python class. The real magic happens when you define methods to interact with the webservice using Uplink’s HTTP method decorators, which we cover next.

Making a Request

With Uplink, making a request to a webservice is as simple as invoking a method.

Any method of a Consumer subclass can be decorated with one of Uplink’s HTTP method decorators: @get, @post, @put, @patch, @head, and @delete:

class GitHub(Consumer):
    def get_repos(self):
        """List all public repositories."""

As shown above, the method’s body can be left empty.

The decorator’s first argument is the resource endpoint (this is the relative URL path from base_url, which we covered above):


You can also specify query parameters:


Finally, invoke the method to send a request:

>>> github = GitHub(base_url="https://api.github.com/")
>>> github.get_repos()
<Response [200]>
>>> _.url

By default, uplink uses Requests, so the response we get back from GitHub is wrapped inside a requests.Response instance. (If you want, you can swap out Requests for a different backing HTTP client, such as aiohttp.)

URL Manipulation

Resource endpoints can include URI template parameters that depend on method arguments. A simple URI parameter is an alphanumeric string surrounded by { and }.

To match the parameter with a method argument, either match the argument’s name with the alphanumeric string, like so:

def get_user(self, username): pass

or use the Path annotation.

def get_user(self, name: Path("username")): pass

Query parameters can also be added dynamically by method arguments.

def get_repos(self, username, sort: Query): pass

For “catch-all” or complex query parameter combinations, a QueryMap can be used:

def get_repos(self, username, **options: QueryMap): pass

You can set static query parameters for a method using the @params decorator.

@params({"client_id": "my-client", "client_secret": "****"})
def get_user(self, username): pass

@params can be used as a class decorator for query parameters that need to be included with every request:

@params({"client_id": "my-client", "client_secret": "****"})
class GitHub(Consumer):

Header Manipulation

You can set static headers for a method using the @headers decorator.

    "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.full+json",
    "User-Agent": "Uplink-Sample-App"
def get_user(self, username): pass

@headers can be used as a class decorator for headers that need to be added to every request:

    "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.full+json",
    "User-Agent": "Uplink-Sample-App"
class GitHub(Consumer):

A request header can depend on the value of a method argument by using the Header function parameter annotation:

def get_user(self, authorization: Header("Authorization"):
    """Get an authenticated user."""

Request Body

The Body annotation identifies a method argument as the the HTTP request body:

def create_repo(self, repo: Body): pass

This annotation works well with the keyword arguments parameter (denoted by the ** prefix):

def create_repo(self, **repo_info: Body): pass

Moreover, this annotation is useful when using supported serialization formats, such as JSON and Protocol Buffers. Take a look at this guide for more about serialization with Uplink.

Form Encoded, Multipart, and JSON Requests

Methods can also be declared to send form-encoded, multipart, and JSON data.

Form-encoded data is sent when @form_url_encoded decorates the method. Each key-value pair is annotated with a Field annotation:

def update_user(self, name: Field, email: Field): pass

Multipart requests are used when @multipart decorates the method. Parts are declared using the Part annotation:

def upload_photo(self, photo: Part, description: Part): pass

JSON data is sent when @json decorates the method. The Body annotation declares the JSON payload:

def update_user(self, **user_info: uplink.Body):
    """Update an authenticated user."""

Alternatively, the Field annotation declares a JSON field:

def update_user_bio(self, bio: Field):
    """Update the authenticated user's profile bio."""

Handling JSON Responses

Many modern public APIs serve JSON responses to their clients.

If your Consumer subclass accesses a JSON API, you can decorate any method with @returns.json to directly return the JSON response, instead of a response object, when invoked:

class GitHub(Consumer):
    def get_user(self, username):
        """Get a single user."""
>>> github = GitHub("https://api.github.com")
>>> github.get_user("prkumar")
{'login': 'prkumar', 'id': 10181244, ...

You can also target a specific field of the JSON response by using the decorator’s key argument to select the target JSON field name:

class GitHub(Consumer):
    def get_blog_url(self, username):
        """Get the user's blog URL."""
>>> github.get_blog_url("prkumar")


JSON responses may represent existing Python classes in your application (for example, a GitHubUser). Uplink supports this kind of conversion (i.e., deserialization), and we detail this support in the next guide.

Persistence Across Requests from a Consumer

The session property of a Consumer instance exposes the instance’s configuration and allows for the persistence of certain properties across requests sent from that instance.

You can provide default headers and query parameters for requests sent from a consumer instance through its session property, like so:

class GitHub(Consumer):

    def __init__(self, username, password)
        # Creates the API token for this user
        api_key = create_api_key(username, password)

        # Send the API token as a query parameter with each request.
        self.session.params["api_key"] = api_key

    def get_user_repos(self, sort_by: Query("sort")):
        """Lists public repositories for the authenticated user."""

Headers and query parameters added through the session are applied to all requests sent from the consumer instance.

github = GitHub("prkumar", "****")

# Both `api_key` and `sort` are sent with the request.

Notably, in case of conflicts, the method-level headers and parameters override the session-level, but the method-level properties are not persisted across requests.

Response and Error Handling

Sometimes, you need to validate a response before it is returned or even calculate a new return value from the response. Or, you may need to handle errors from the underlying client before they reach your users.

With Uplink, you can address these concerns by registering a callback with one of these decorators: @response_handler and @error_handler.

@response_handler registers a callback to intercept responses before they are returned (or deserialized):

def raise_for_status(response):
    """Checks whether or not the response was successful."""
    if 200 <= response.status_code < 300:
        # Pass through the response.
        return response

    raise UnsuccessfulRequest(response.url)

class GitHub(Consumer):
    def create_repo(self, name: Field):
        """Create a new repository."""

@error_handler registers a callback to handle an exception thrown by the underlying HTTP client (e.g., requests.Timeout):

def raise_api_error(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    """Wraps client error with custom API error"""
    raise MyApiError(exc_val)

class GitHub(Consumer):
    def create_repo(self, name: Field):
        """Create a new repository."""

To apply a handler onto all methods of a Consumer subclass, you can simply decorate the class itself:

class GitHub(Consumer):

Notably, the decorators can be stacked on top of one another to chain their behaviors:

@response_handler(check_expected_headers)  # Second, check headers
@response_handler(raise_for_status)  # First, check success
class GitHub(Consumer):

Lastly, both decorators support the optional argument requires_consumer. When this option is set to True, the registered callback should accept a reference to the Consumer instance as its leading argument:

 def raise_api_error(consumer, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
     """Wraps client error with custom API error"""

 class GitHub(Consumer):
     def create_repo(self, name: Field):
         """Create a new repository."""