Function Annotations

For programming in general, function parameters drive a function’s dynamic behavior; a function’s output depends normally on its inputs. With uplink, function arguments parametrize an HTTP request, and you indicate the dynamic parts of the request by appropriately annotating those arguments with the classes detailed in this section.


class uplink.Path(name=None, type=None)

Substitution of a path variable in a URI template.

URI template parameters are enclosed in braces (e.g., {name}). To map an argument to a declared URI parameter, use the Path annotation:

class TodoService(object):
    def get_todo(self, todo_id: Path("id")): pass

Then, invoking get_todo with a consumer instance:


creates an HTTP request with a URL ending in /todos/100.


Any unannotated function argument that shares a name with a URL path parameter is implicitly annotated with this class at runtime.

For example, we could simplify the method from the previous example by matching the path variable and method argument names:

def get_todo(self, id): pass


class uplink.Query(name=None, encoded=False, type=None)

Set a dynamic query parameter.

This annotation turns argument values into URL query parameters. You can include it as function argument annotation, in the format: <query argument>: uplink.Query.

If the API endpoint you are trying to query uses q as a query parameter, you can add q: uplink.Query to the consumer method to set the q search term at runtime.


def search(self, search_term: Query("q")):
    '''Search all commits with the given search term.'''

To specify whether or not the query parameter is already URL encoded, use the optional encoded argument:

def search(self, search_term: Query("q", encoded=True)):
    """Search all commits with the given search term."""
Parameters:encoded (bool, optional) – Specifies whether the parameter name and value are already URL encoded.


class uplink.QueryMap(encoded=False, type=None)

A mapping of query arguments.

If the API you are using accepts multiple query arguments, you can include them all in your function method by using the format: <query argument>: uplink.QueryMap


def search(self, **params: QueryMap):
    """Search all users."""
Parameters:encoded (bool, optional) – Specifies whether the parameter name and value are already URL encoded.


class uplink.HeaderMap(type=None)

Pass a mapping of header fields at runtime.


class uplink.Field(name=None, type=None)

Defines a form field to the request body.

Use together with the decorator uplink.form_url_encoded and annotate each argument accepting a form field with uplink.Field.

def update_user(self, first_name: Field, last_name: Field):
    """Update the current user."""


class uplink.FieldMap(type=None)

Defines a mapping of form fields to the request body.

Use together with the decorator uplink.form_url_encoded and annotate each argument accepting a form field with uplink.FieldMap.


def create_post(self, **user_info: FieldMap):
    """Update the current user."""


class uplink.Part(name=None, type=None)

Marks an argument as a form part.

Use together with the decorator uplink.multipart and annotate each form part with uplink.Part.


def update_user(self, photo: Part, description: Part):
    """Upload a user profile photo."""


class uplink.PartMap(type=None)

A mapping of form field parts.

Use together with the decorator uplink.multipart and annotate each part of form parts with uplink.PartMap


def update_user(self, photo: Part, description: Part):
    """Upload a user profile photo."""


class uplink.Body(type=None)

Set the request body at runtime.

Use together with the decorator uplink.json. The method argument value will become the request’s body when annotated with uplink.Body.


def update_user(self, **info: Body):
    """Update the current user."""


class uplink.Url

Sets a dynamic URL.

Provides the URL at runtime as a method argument. Drop the decorator parameter path from uplink.get and annotate the corresponding argument with uplink.Url


def get(self, endpoint: Url):
    """Execute a GET requests against the given endpoint"""