Converters ********** The :py:obj:`converter` parameter of the :py:class:`uplink.Consumer` constructor accepts a custom adapter class that handles serialization of HTTP request properties and deserialization of HTTP response objects: .. code-block:: python github = GitHub(BASE_URL, converter=...) Starting with version v0.5, some out-of-the-box converters are included automatically and don't need to be explicitly provided through the ``converter`` parameter. These implementations are detailed below. Marshmallow =========== Uplink comes with optional support for :py:mod:`marshmallow`. .. autoclass:: uplink.converters.MarshmallowConverter .. note:: Starting with version v0.5, this converter factory is automatically included if you have :py:mod:`marshmallow` installed, so you don't need to provide it when constructing your consumer instances. .. _`converting lists and mappings`: Converting Collections ====================== .. versionadded:: v0.5.0 Uplink can convert collections of a type, such as deserializing a response body into a list of users. If you have :py:mod:`typing` installed (the module is part of the standard library starting Python 3.5), you can use type hints (see :pep:`484`) to specify such conversions. You can also leverage this feature without :py:mod:`typing` by using one of the proxy types defined in :py:class:`uplink.types`. The following converter factory implements this feature and is automatically included, so you don't need to provide it when constructing your consumer instance: .. autoclass:: uplink.converters.TypingConverter Here are the collection types defined in :py:class:`uplink.types`. You can use these or the corresponding type hints from :py:class:`typing` to leverage this feature: .. TODO: using autoclass:: uplink.types doesn't work when deployed to for some reason. Figure out why! .. autodata:: uplink.types.List :annotation: A proxy for :py:class:`typing.List` that is safe to use in type hints with Python 3.4 and below. .. code-block:: python @returns.from_json @get("/users") def get_users(self) -> types.List[str]: """Fetches all users""" .. autodata:: uplink.types.Dict :annotation: A proxy for :py:class:`typing.Dict` that is safe to use in type hints with Python 3.4 and below. .. code-block:: python @returns.from_json @get("/users") def get_users(self) -> types.Dict[str, str]: """Fetches all users""" Writing a Custom Converter ========================== You can define custom converters by using :py:class:`uplink.loads` and :py:class:`uplink.dumps`. These classes can be used as decorators to create converters of a class and its subclasses: .. code-block:: python # Registers the function as a loader for the given model class. @loads.from_json(Model) def load_model_from_json(model_type, json): ... .. note:: Unlike consumer methods, these functions should be defined outside of a class scope. To use the converter, provide the generated converter object when instantiating a :py:class:`~uplink.Consumer` subclass, through the :py:attr:`converter` constructor parameter: .. code-block:: python github = GitHub(BASE_URL, converter=load_model_from_json) Alternatively, you can add the :py:meth:`uplink.loads.install` or :py:meth:`uplink.dumps.install` decorator to register the converter function as a default converter, meaning the converter will be included automatically with any consumer instance and doesn't need to be explicitly provided through the :py:obj:``converter`` parameter: .. code-block:: python # Register the function as a default loader for the given model class. @loads.install @loads.from_json(Model) def load_model_from_json(model_type, json): ... .. autoclass:: uplink.loads :members: .. autoclass:: uplink.dumps :members: