
Decorators and function annotations indicate how a request will be handled.

Request Method

Uplink offers decorators that turn any method into a request definition. These decorators provide the request method and relative URL of the intended request: get, post, put, patch and delete.

The relative URL of the resource is specified in the decorator.


You can also specify query parameters in the URL.


Moreover, request methods must be bound to a Consumer subclass.

class MyApi(Consumer):
    def list_users(self):
        """List all users."""

URL Manipulation

A request URL can be updated dynamically using URI template parameters. A simple URI parameter is an alphanumeric string surrounded by { and }.

To match the parameter with a method argument, either match the argument’s name with the alphanumeric string, like so

def group_list(self, id): pass

or use the Path annotation.

def group_list(self, group_id: Path("id")): pass

Query parameters can also be added.

def group_list(self, group_id: Path("id"), sort: Query): pass

For complex query parameter combinations, a mapping can be used:

def group_list(self, group_id: Path("id"), options: QueryMap): pass

Request Body

An argument’s value can be specified for use as an HTTP request body with the Body annotation:

def create_user(self, user: Body): pass

This annotation works well with the keyword arguments parameter (denoted by the ** prefix):

def create_user(self, **user_info: Body): pass

Form Encoded, Multipart, and JSON

Methods can also be declared to send form-encoded, multipart, and JSON data.

Form-encoded data is sent when form_url_encoded decorates the method. Each key-value pair is annotated with a Field annotation:

def update_user(self, first_name: Field, last_name: Field): pass

Multipart requests are used when multipart decorates the method. Parts are declared using the Part annotation:

def update_user(self, photo: Part, description: Part): pass

JSON data is sent when json decorates the method. The Body annotation declares the JSON payload:

def update_user(self, **user_info: uplink.Body):
    """Update an authenticated user."""

Header Manipulation

You can set static headers for a method using the headers decorator.

    "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.full+json",
    "User-Agent": "Uplink-Sample-App"
def get_user(self, username): pass

headers can be used as a class decorator for headers that need to be added to every request:

    "Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.full+json",
    "User-Agent": "Uplink-Sample-App"
class GitHub(Consumer):

A request header can be updated dynamically using the Header function parameter annotation:

def get_user(self, authorization: Header):
    """Get an authenticated user."""

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

By default, Uplink uses the Requests library to make requests. However, the client parameter of the Consumer constructor offers a way to swap out Requests with another HTTP client:

github = GitHub(BASE_URL, client=...)

Notably, Requests blocks while waiting for a response from a server. For non-blocking requests, Uplink comes with optional support for asyncio and twisted. Checkout this example on GitHub for more.

Deserializing the Response

The converter parameter of the Consumer constructor accepts an adapter class that handles deserialization of HTTP response objects.

github = GitHub(BASE_URL, converter=...)

For instance, the MarshmallowConverter adapter turns JSON HTTP responses into Python objects using the marshmallow.Schema object. Checkout this example on GitHub for more.

Custom Response and Error Handling

New in version 0.4.0.

To register a custom response or error handler, decorate a function with the response_handler or error_handler decorator.

For instance, the function accept_json() defined below is a response handler that outputs the JSON body of a given response:

def accept_json(response):
    return response.json()

Now, accept_json() can be used as a decorator to inject its custom response handling into any request method:

def get_todo(self, id):
    """Get the todo with the given id."""

To apply the function’s handling onto all request methods of a Consumer subclass, we can simply use the registered handler as a class decorator:

class TodoApp(uplink.Consumer):

Similarly, functions decorated with error_handler are registered error handlers. When applied to a request method, these handlers are invoked when the underlying HTTP client fails to execute a request:

def raise_api_error(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
    # wrap client error with custom API error

Notably, handlers can be stacked on top of one another to chain their behavior:

class TodoApp(uplink.Consumer):

Annotating __init__() Arguments

New in version 0.4.0.

Function annotations like Query and Header can be used with constructor arguments of a Consumer subclass. When a new consumer instance is created, the value of these arguments are applied to all requests made through that instance.

For example, the following consumer accepts the API access token as the constructor argument access_token:

class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):

    def __init__(self, access_token: uplink.Query):

    def update_user(self, **info: Body):
        """Update the authenticated user"""

Now, all requests made from an instance of this consumer class will be authenticated with the access token passed in at initialization:

github = TodoApp("my-github-access-token")

# This request will include the above access token as a query parameter.
github.update_user(bio="Beam me up, Scotty!")

_inject() Request Properties

New in version 0.4.0.

As an alternative to Annotating __init__() Arguments, you can achieve a similar behavior with more control by using the Consumer._inject() method. With this method, you can calculate request properties within plain old python methods.

class TodoApp(uplink.Consumer):

    def __init__(self, username, password)
        # Create an access token
        api_key = create_api_key(username, password)

        # Inject it.

Similar to the annotation style, request properties added with _inject() method are applied to all requests made through the consumer instance.