Tips & Tricks

Here are a few ways to simplify consumer definitions.

Decorating All Request Methods in a Class

To apply an decorator across all methods in a class, you can simply decorate the class rather than each method individually:

 class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
     def get_repos(self):
         """Dump every public repository."""

     def get_organizations(self):
         """List all organizations."""

Hence, the consumer defined above is equivalent to the following, slightly more verbose alternative:

class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
    def get_repos(self):
        """Dump every public repository."""

    def get_organizations(self):
        """List all organizations."""

Adopting the Argument’s Name

When you initialize a named annotation, such as a Path or Field, without a name (by omitting the name parameter), it adopts the name of its corresponding method argument.

For example, in the snippet below, we can omit naming the Path annotation since the corresponding argument’s name, username, matches the intended URI path parameter:

class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
    def get_user(self, username: uplink.Path): pass

Annotating Your Arguments For Python 2.7

There are several ways to annotate arguments. Most examples in this documentation use function annotations, but this approach is unavailable for Python 2.7 users. Instead, you can use argument annotations as decorators or utilize the method annotation args.

Argument Annotations as Decorators

For one, annotations can work as function decorators. With this approach, annotations are mapped to arguments from “bottom-up”.

For instance, in the below definition, the Url annotation corresponds to commits_url, and Path to sha.

 class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
     def get_commit(self, commits_url, sha): pass

Function Annotations (Python 3 only)

Finally, when using Python 3, you can use these classes as function annotations (PEP 3107):

 class GitHub(uplink.Consumer):
     def get_commit(self, commit_url: uplink.Url, sha: uplink.Path):