Source code for uplink.retry.backoff

# Standard imports
import random
import sys

# Constants
MAX_VALUE = sys.maxsize / 2

__all__ = ["jittered", "exponential", "fixed"]

def from_iterable(iterable):
    """Creates a retry strategy from an iterable of timeouts"""

    class IterableRetryBackoff(_IterableBackoff):
        def __iter__(self):
            return iter(iterable)

    return IterableRetryBackoff()

def from_iterable_factory(iterable_factory):
    Creates a retry strategy from a function that returns an iterable
    of timeouts.

    class IterableRetryBackoff(_IterableBackoff):
        def __iter__(self):
            return iter(iterable_factory())

    return IterableRetryBackoff()

[docs]class RetryBackoff(object): """ Base class for a strategy that calculates the timeout between retry attempts. You can compose two ``RetryBackoff`` instances by using the ``|`` operator:: CustomBackoffA() | CustomBackoffB() The resulting backoff strategy will first compute the timeout using the left-hand instance. If that timeout is ``None``, the strategy will try to compute a fallback using the right-hand instance. If both instances return ``None``, the resulting strategy will also return ``None``. """
[docs] def get_timeout_after_response(self, request, response): """ Returns the number of seconds to wait before retrying the request, or ``None`` to indicate that the given response should be returned. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def get_timeout_after_exception(self, request, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Returns the number of seconds to wait before retrying the request, or ``None`` to indicate that the given exception should be raised. """ raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover
[docs] def handle_after_final_retry(self): """ Handles any clean-up necessary following the final retry attempt. """ pass # pragma: no cover
def __or__(self, other): """Composes the current strategy with another.""" assert isinstance( other, RetryBackoff ), "Both objects should be backoffs." return _Or(self, other)
class _Or(RetryBackoff): def __init__(self, left, right): self._left = left self._right = right def get_timeout_after_response(self, request, response): timeout = self._left.get_timeout_after_response(request, response) if timeout is None: return self._right.get_timeout_after_response(request, response) return timeout def get_timeout_after_exception(self, request, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): timeout = self._left.get_timeout_after_exception( request, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ) if timeout is None: return self._right.get_timeout_after_exception( request, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb ) return timeout def handle_after_final_retry(self): self._left.handle_after_final_retry() self._right.handle_after_final_retry() class _IterableBackoff(RetryBackoff): __iterator = None def __iter__(self): raise NotImplementedError # pragma: no cover def __call__(self): return iter(self) def __next(self): if self.__iterator is None: self.__iterator = iter(self) try: return next(self.__iterator) except StopIteration: return None def get_timeout_after_response(self, request, response): return self.__next() def get_timeout_after_exception(self, request, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): return self.__next() def handle_after_final_retry(self): self.__iterator = None
[docs]class jittered(_IterableBackoff): """ Waits using capped exponential backoff and full jitter. The implementation is discussed in `this AWS Architecture Blog post <>`_, which recommends this approach for any remote clients, as it minimizes the total completion time of competing clients in a distributed system experiencing high contention. """ def __init__(self, base=2, multiplier=1, minimum=0, maximum=MAX_VALUE): self._exp_backoff = exponential(base, multiplier, minimum, maximum) def __iter__(self): for delay in self._exp_backoff(): # pragma: no branch yield random.uniform(0, 1) * delay
[docs]class exponential(_IterableBackoff): """ Waits using capped exponential backoff, meaning that the delay is multiplied by a constant ``base`` after each attempt, up to an optional ``maximum`` value. """ def __init__(self, base=2, multiplier=1, minimum=0, maximum=MAX_VALUE): self._base = base self._multiplier = multiplier self._minimum = minimum self._maximum = maximum def __iter__(self): delay = self._multiplier while self._minimum > delay: delay *= self._base while True: yield min(delay, self._maximum) delay *= self._base
[docs]class fixed(_IterableBackoff): """Waits for a fixed number of ``seconds`` before each retry.""" def __init__(self, seconds): self._seconds = seconds def __iter__(self): while True: yield self._seconds