
This section covers how to do authentication with Uplink.

In v0.4, we added the auth parameter to the uplink.Consumer constructor which allowed for sending HTTP Basic Authentication with all requests.

In v0.9, we added more auth methods which can be used in the auth parameter of the uplink.Consumer constructor. If you are using an uplink-based API library, the library might extend these methods with additional API-specific auth methods.

Some common auth methods are described below, but for a complete list of auth methods provided with Uplink, see the Auth Methods reference.

Basic Authentication

It’s simple to construct a consumer that uses HTTP Basic Authentication with all requests:

github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=("user", "pass"))

Proxy Authentication

If you need to supply credentials for an intermediate proxy in addition to the API’s HTTP Basic Authentication, use uplink.auth.MultiAuth with uplink.auth.ProxyAuth and uplink.auth.BasicAuth.

from uplink.auth import BasicAuth, MultiAuth, ProxyAuth

auth_methods = MultiAuth(
    ProxyAuth("proxy_user", "proxy_pass"),
    BasicAuth("user", "pass")
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=auth_methods)

Other Authentication

Often, APIs accept credentials as header values (e.g., Bearer tokens) or query parameters. Your request method can handle these types of authentication by simply accepting the user’s credentials as an argument:

def update_user(self, access_token: Query, **info: Body):
    """Update the user associated to the given access token."""

If several request methods require authentication, you can persist the token through the consumer’s session property:

class GitHub(Consumer):

    def __init__(self, base_url, access_token):
        super(GitHub, self).__init__(base_url=base_url)
        self.session.params["access_token"] = access_token

As of v0.9, you can also supply these tokens via the auth parameter of the uplink.Consumer constructor. This is like adding the token to the session (above) so that the token is sent as part of every request.

from uplink.auth import ApiTokenParam, ApiTokenHeader, BearerToken

# Passing an auth token as a query parameter
token_auth = ApiTokenParam("access_token", access_token)
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=token_auth)

# Passing the token as a header value
token_auth = ApiTokenHeader("Access-Token", access_token)
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=token_auth)

# Passing a Bearer auth token
bearer_auth = BearerToken(access_token)
github = GitHub(BASE_URL, auth=bearer_auth)

Using Auth Support for Requests and aiohttp

As we work towards Uplink’s v1.0 release, improving built-in support for other types of authentication is a continuing goal.

With that said, if Uplink currently doesn’t offer a solution for you authentication needs, you can always leverage the available auth support for the underlying HTTP client.

For instance, requests offers out-of-the-box support for making requests with HTTP Digest Authentication, which you can leverage like so:

from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth

client = uplink.RequestsClient(cred=HTTPDigestAuth("user", "pass"))
api = MyApi(BASE_URL, client=client)

You can also use other third-party libraries that extend auth support for the underlying client. For instance, you can use requests-oauthlib for doing OAuth with Requests:

from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session

session = OAuth2Session(...)
api = MyApi(BASE_URL, client=session)