Source code for uplink.decorators

This module implements the built-in class and method decorators and their
handling classes.
# Standard library imports
import functools
import inspect

# Local imports
from uplink import arguments, helpers, hooks, interfaces, utils
from uplink.compat import abc

__all__ = [

class MethodAnnotationHandlerBuilder(interfaces.AnnotationHandlerBuilder):
    def __init__(self):
        self._class_annotations = list()
        self._method_annotations = list()

    def add_annotation(self, annotation, *args_, **kwargs):
        if kwargs.get("is_class", False):
        super(MethodAnnotationHandlerBuilder, self).add_annotation(annotation)
        return annotation

    def copy(self):
        clone = MethodAnnotationHandlerBuilder()
        clone._class_annotations = list(self._class_annotations)
        clone._method_annotations = list(self._method_annotations)
        return clone

    def build(self):
        return MethodAnnotationHandler(
            self._class_annotations + self._method_annotations

class MethodAnnotationHandler(interfaces.AnnotationHandler):
    def __init__(self, method_annotations):
        self._method_annotations = list(method_annotations)

    def annotations(self):
        return iter(self._method_annotations)

    def handle_builder(self, request_builder):
        for annotation in self._method_annotations:

# TODO: Only decorate consumers
class MethodAnnotation(interfaces.Annotation):
    _http_method_blacklist = None
    _http_method_whitelist = None

    def _is_consumer_class(c):
        return utils.is_subclass(c, interfaces.Consumer)

    def supports_http_method(cls, method):
        method = method.upper()
        if cls._http_method_blacklist is not None:
            return method not in cls._http_method_blacklist
        if cls._http_method_whitelist is not None:
            return method in cls._http_method_whitelist
        return True

    def _is_relevant_for_builder(cls, builder):
        return cls.supports_http_method(builder[1].method)

    def _is_static_call(cls, *args_, **kwargs):
        if super(MethodAnnotation, cls)._is_static_call(*args_, **kwargs):
            return True
            is_consumer_class = cls._is_consumer_class(args_[0])
        except IndexError:
            return False
            return is_consumer_class and not (kwargs or args_[1:])

    def _modify_request_definition(self, builder, kwargs):
        builder.method_handler_builder.add_annotation(self, **kwargs)

    def __call__(self, class_or_builder, **kwargs):
        if self._is_consumer_class(class_or_builder):
            builders = helpers.get_api_definitions(class_or_builder)
            builders = filter(self._is_relevant_for_builder, builders)

            for name, b in builders:
                self(b, is_class=True)
                helpers.set_api_definition(class_or_builder, name, b)
        elif isinstance(class_or_builder, interfaces.RequestDefinitionBuilder):
            self._modify_request_definition(class_or_builder, kwargs)
        return class_or_builder

    def modify_request(self, request_builder):

class _BaseRequestProperties(MethodAnnotation):
    _property_name = None
    _delimiter = None

    def __init__(self, arg, **kwargs):
        if isinstance(arg, list):
            self._values = dict(self._split(a) for a in arg)
            self._values = dict(arg, **kwargs)

    def _split(self, arg):
        return map(str.strip, arg.split(self._delimiter))

    def modify_request(self, request_builder):
        """Updates header contents."""[self._property_name].update(self._values)

# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class headers(_BaseRequestProperties): """ A decorator that adds static headers for API calls. .. code-block:: python @headers({"User-Agent": "Uplink-Sample-App"}) @get("/user") def get_user(self): \"""Get the current user\""" When used as a class decorator, :py:class:`headers` applies to all consumer methods bound to the class: .. code-block:: python @headers({"Accept": "application/vnd.github.v3.full+json"}) class GitHub(Consumer): ... :py:class:`headers` takes the same arguments as :py:class:`dict`. Args: arg: A dict containing header values. **kwargs: More header values. """ def __init__(self, arg=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(arg, str): key, value = self._split(arg) arg = {key: value} super(headers, self).__init__(arg or {}, **kwargs) @property def _delimiter(self): return ":" @property def _property_name(self): return "headers"
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class params(_BaseRequestProperties): """ A decorator that adds static query parameters for API calls. .. code-block:: python @params({"sort": "created"}) @get("/user") def get_user(self): \"""Get the current user\""" When used as a class decorator, :py:class:`params` applies to all consumer methods bound to the class: .. code-block:: python @params({"client_id": "my-app-client-id"}) class GitHub(Consumer): ... :py:class:`params` takes the same arguments as :py:class:`dict`. Args: arg: A dict containing query parameters. **kwargs: More query parameters. """ def __init__(self, arg=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(arg, str): arg = arg.split("&") super(params, self).__init__(arg or {}, **kwargs) @property def _property_name(self): return "params" @property def _delimiter(self): return "="
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class form_url_encoded(MethodAnnotation): """ URL-encodes the request body. Used on POST/PUT/PATCH request. It url-encodes the body of the message and sets the appropriate ``Content-Type`` header. Further, each field argument should be annotated with :py:class:`uplink.Field`. Example: .. code-block:: python @form_url_encoded @post("/users/edit") def update_user(self, first_name: Field, last_name: Field): \"""Update the current user.\""" """ _http_method_blacklist = {"GET"} _can_be_static = True
# XXX: Let `requests` handle building urlencoded syntax. # def modify_request(self, request_builder): # # {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} # ) # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class multipart(MethodAnnotation): """ Sends multipart form data. Multipart requests are commonly used to upload files to a server. Further, annotate each part argument with :py:class:`Part`. Example: .. code-block:: python @multipart @put(/user/photo") def update_user(self, photo: Part, description: Part): \"""Upload a user profile photo.\""" """ _http_method_blacklist = {"GET"} _can_be_static = True
# XXX: Let `requests` handle building multipart syntax. # def modify_request(self, request_builder): # # {"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"} # ) # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class json(MethodAnnotation): """Use as a decorator to make JSON requests. You can annotate a method argument with :py:class:`uplink.Body`, which indicates that the argument's value should become the request's body. :py:class:`uplink.Body` has to be either a dict or a subclass of py:class:`abc.Mapping`. Example: .. code-block:: python @json @patch(/user") def update_user(self, **info: Body): \"""Update the current user.\""" You can alternatively use the :py:class:`uplink.Field` annotation to specify JSON fields separately, across multiple arguments: Example: .. code-block:: python @json @patch(/user") def update_user(self, name: Field, email: Field("e-mail")): \"""Update the current user.\""" Further, to set a nested field, you can specify the path of the target field with a tuple of strings as the first argument of :py:class:`uplink.Field`. Example: Consider a consumer method that sends a PATCH request with a JSON body of the following format: .. code-block:: json :emphasize-lines: 3 { user: { name: "<User's Name>" }, } The tuple :py:obj:`("user", "name")` specifies the path to the highlighted inner field: .. code-block:: python :emphasize-lines: 5 @json @patch(/user") def update_user( self, new_name: Field(("user", "name")) ): \"""Update the current user.\""" """ _http_method_blacklist = {"GET"} _can_be_static = True @staticmethod def _sequence_path_resolver(path, value, body): if not path: raise ValueError("Path sequence cannot be empty.") for name in path[:-1]: body = body.setdefault(name, {}) if not isinstance(body, abc.Mapping): raise ValueError( "Failed to set nested JSON attribute '%s': " "parent field '%s' is not a JSON object." % (path, name) ) body[path[-1]] = value def modify_request(self, request_builder): """Modifies JSON request.""" request_builder.add_transaction_hook(self._hook) @classmethod def set_json_body(cls, request_builder): old_body ="data", {}) if isinstance(old_body, abc.Mapping): body ="json", {}) for path in old_body: if isinstance(path, tuple): cls._sequence_path_resolver(path, old_body[path], body) else: body[path] = old_body[path] else:"json", old_body) __hook = None @property def _hook(self): if self.__hook is None: self.__hook = hooks.RequestAuditor(self.set_json_body) return self.__hook
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class timeout(MethodAnnotation): """ Time to wait for a server response before giving up. When used on other decorators it specifies how long (in secs) a decorator should wait before giving up. Example: .. code-block:: python @timeout(60) @get("/user/posts") def get_posts(self): \"""Fetch all posts for the current users.\""" When used as a class decorator, :py:class:`timeout` applies to all consumer methods bound to the class. Args: seconds (int): An integer used to indicate how long should the request wait. """ def __init__(self, seconds): self._seconds = seconds def modify_request(self, request_builder): """Modifies request timeout."""["timeout"] = self._seconds
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class args(MethodAnnotation): """ Annotate method arguments for Python 2.7 compatibility. Arrange annotations in the same order as their corresponding function arguments. Example: .. code-block:: python @args(Path, Query) @get("/users/{username}) def get_user(self, username, visibility): \"""Get a specific user.\""" Use keyword args to target specific method parameters. Example: .. code-block:: python @args(visibility=Query) @get("/users/{username}) def get_user(self, username, visibility): \"""Get a specific user.\""" Args: *annotations: Any number of annotations. **more_annotations: More annotations, targeting specific method arguments. """ def __init__(self, *annotations, **more_annotations): self._annotations = annotations self._more_annotations = more_annotations def __call__(self, obj): if inspect.isfunction(obj): handler = arguments.ArgumentAnnotationHandlerBuilder.from_func(obj) self._helper(handler) return obj else: return super(args, self).__call__(obj) def _helper(self, builder): builder.set_annotations(self._annotations, **self._more_annotations) def modify_request_definition(self, request_definition_builder): """Modifies dynamic requests with given annotations""" self._helper(request_definition_builder.argument_handler_builder)
class _InjectableMethodAnnotation(MethodAnnotation): def modify_request(self, request_builder): request_builder.add_transaction_hook(self) class _BaseHandlerAnnotation(_InjectableMethodAnnotation): def __new__(cls, func=None, *args, **kwargs): if func is None: return lambda f: cls(f, *args, **kwargs) self = super(_BaseHandlerAnnotation, cls).__new__(cls) functools.update_wrapper(self, func) return self # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class response_handler(_BaseHandlerAnnotation, hooks.ResponseHandler): """ A decorator for creating custom response handlers. To register a function as a custom response handler, decorate the function with this class. The decorated function should accept a single positional argument, an HTTP response object: Example: .. code-block:: python @response_handler def raise_for_status(response): response.raise_for_status() return response Then, to apply custom response handling to a request method, simply decorate the method with the registered response handler: Example: .. code-block:: python @raise_for_status @get("/user/posts") def get_posts(self): \"""Fetch all posts for the current users.\""" To apply custom response handling on all request methods of a :py:class:`uplink.Consumer` subclass, simply decorate the class with the registered response handler: Example: .. code-block:: python @raise_for_status class GitHub(Consumer): ... Lastly, the decorator supports the optional argument :obj:`requires_consumer`. When this option is set to :obj:`True`, the registered callback should accept a reference to the :class:`~Consumer` instance as its leading argument: Example: .. code-block:: python @response_handler(requires_consumer=True) def raise_for_status(consumer, response): ... .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class error_handler(_BaseHandlerAnnotation, hooks.ExceptionHandler): """ A decorator for creating custom error handlers. To register a function as a custom error handler, decorate the function with this class. The decorated function should accept three positional arguments: (1) the type of the exception, (2) the exception instance raised, and (3) a traceback instance. Example: .. code-block:: python @error_handler def raise_api_error(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): # wrap client error with custom API error ... Then, to apply custom error handling to a request method, simply decorate the method with the registered error handler: Example: .. code-block:: python @raise_api_error @get("/user/posts") def get_posts(self): \"""Fetch all posts for the current users.\""" To apply custom error handling on all request methods of a :py:class:`uplink.Consumer` subclass, simply decorate the class with the registered error handler: Example: .. code-block:: python @raise_api_error class GitHub(Consumer): ... Lastly, the decorator supports the optional argument :obj:`requires_consumer`. When this option is set to :obj:`True`, the registered callback should accept a reference to the :class:`~Consumer` instance as its leading argument: Example: .. code-block:: python @error_handler(requires_consumer=True) def raise_api_error(consumer, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): ... .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 Note: Error handlers can not completely suppress exceptions. The original exception is thrown if the error handler doesn't throw anything. """
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class inject(_InjectableMethodAnnotation, hooks.TransactionHookChain): """ A decorator that applies one or more hooks to a request method. .. versionadded:: 0.4.0 """