Source code for uplink.clients.aiohttp_

This module defines an :py:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` adapter
that returns awaitable responses.
# Standard library imports
import asyncio
import collections
import inspect
import threading
from concurrent import futures

# Third-party imports
    import aiohttp
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    aiohttp = None

# Local imports
from uplink.clients import exceptions, io, interfaces, register

def threaded_callback(callback):
    async def new_callback(response):
        if isinstance(response, aiohttp.ClientResponse):
            await response.text()
            response = ThreadedResponse(response)
        response = callback(response)
        if isinstance(response, ThreadedResponse):
            return response.unwrap()
            return response

    return new_callback

[docs]class AiohttpClient(interfaces.HttpClientAdapter): """ An :py:mod:`aiohttp` client that creates awaitable responses. Note: This client is an optional feature and requires the :py:mod:`aiohttp` package. For example, here's how to install this extra using pip:: $ pip install uplink[aiohttp] Args: session (:py:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession`, optional): The session that should handle sending requests. If this argument is omitted or set to :py:obj:`None`, a new session will be created. """ exceptions = exceptions.Exceptions() # TODO: Update docstrings to include aiohttp constructor parameters. __ARG_SPEC = collections.namedtuple("__ARG_SPEC", "args kwargs") def __init__(self, session=None, **kwargs): if aiohttp is None: raise NotImplementedError("aiohttp is not installed.") self._auto_created_session = False if session is None: session = self._create_session(**kwargs) self._session = session self._sync_callback_adapter = threaded_callback def __del__(self): # TODO: Consider replacing this with a close method if self._auto_created_session: # aiohttp v3.0 has made ClientSession.close a coroutine, # so we check whether it is one here and register it # to run appropriately at exit if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self._session.close): asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete( self._session.close() ) else: self._session.close() async def session(self): """Returns the underlying `aiohttp.ClientSession`.""" if isinstance(self._session, self.__ARG_SPEC): args, kwargs = self._session self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession(*args, **kwargs) self._auto_created_session = True return self._session def wrap_callback(self, callback): func = inspect.unwrap(callback) if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): callback = self._sync_callback_adapter(callback) return callback @staticmethod @register.handler def with_session(session, *args, **kwargs): """ Builds a client instance if the first argument is a :py:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession`. Otherwise, return :py:obj:`None`. """ if isinstance(session, aiohttp.ClientSession): return AiohttpClient(session, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _create_session(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls.__ARG_SPEC(args, kwargs) @classmethod def create(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Builds a client instance with :py:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` arguments. Instead of directly initializing this class with a :py:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession`, use this method to have the client lazily construct a session when sending the first request. Hence, this method guarantees that the creation of the underlying session happens inside of a coroutine. Args: *args: positional arguments that :py:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` takes. **kwargs: keyword arguments that :py:class:`aiohttp.ClientSession` takes. """ session_build_args = cls._create_session(*args, **kwargs) return AiohttpClient(session=session_build_args) async def send(self, request): method, url, extras = request session = await self.session() response = await session.request(method, url, **extras) # Make `aiohttp` response "quack" like a `requests` response response.status_code = response.status return response def apply_callback(self, callback, response): return self.wrap_callback(callback)(response) @staticmethod def io(): return io.AsyncioStrategy()
class ThreadedCoroutine(object): def __init__(self, coroutine): self.__coroutine = coroutine def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): with AsyncioExecutor() as executor: future = executor.submit(self.__coroutine, *args, **kwargs) result = future.result() return result class ThreadedResponse(object): def __init__(self, response): self.__response = response def __getattr__(self, item): value = getattr(self.__response, item) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(value): return ThreadedCoroutine(value) return value def unwrap(self): return self.__response class AsyncioExecutor(futures.Executor): """ Executor that runs asyncio coroutines in a shadow thread. Credit to Vincent Michel, who wrote the original implementation: """ def __init__(self): self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._target) self._thread.start() def _target(self): asyncio.set_event_loop(self._loop) self._loop.run_forever() def submit(self, fn, *args, **kwargs): coro = fn(*args, **kwargs) return asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe(coro, self._loop) def shutdown(self, wait=True): self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._loop.stop) if wait: # pragma: no cover self._thread.join() # === Register client exceptions === # if aiohttp is not None: # pragma: no cover AiohttpClient.exceptions.BaseClientException = aiohttp.ClientError AiohttpClient.exceptions.ConnectionError = aiohttp.ClientConnectionError AiohttpClient.exceptions.ConnectionTimeout = aiohttp.ClientConnectorError AiohttpClient.exceptions.ServerTimeout = aiohttp.ServerTimeoutError AiohttpClient.exceptions.SSLError = aiohttp.ClientSSLError AiohttpClient.exceptions.InvalidURL = aiohttp.InvalidURL